• Amblyopia or lazy eye is a difficult problem to treat.
  • Advanced testing and treatment options are available which can improve the binocular visual functions of such patients.

Amblyopia Therapy & Orthoptics

Amblyopia therapy and orthoptics focus on improving vision and eye alignment, particularly in children. Amblyopia, or "lazy eye," occurs when one eye has reduced vision due to improper brain-eye coordination. Treatments include patching the stronger eye, using atropine drops, or vision therapy exercises to stimulate the weaker eye. Orthoptics addresses eye movement disorders like strabismus and convergence insufficiency, enhancing binocular vision and depth perception. Therapy includes exercises, prisms, and sometimes surgery. These approaches aim to strengthen eye muscles, improve coordination, and restore visual function, ensuring long-term benefits for visual development and daily activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

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